

Parkresort Rheinfelden Holding AG Roberstenstrasse 31 CH-4310 Rheinfelden Phone +41 61 836 66 11 Fax +41 61 836 66 12 E-mail: info(at)parkresort.ch

Design & technical implementation

CS2 AG Gerbegässlein 1 CH-4450 Sissach www.cs2.ch

Liability for contents

Our pages have been created with great care. They are continuously updated. Nevertheless, we do not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the contents. We exclude any liability (including negligence) of Parkresort Rheinfelden Holding AG for damages or consequential damages resulting from the use of our website (or from the impossibility of use).

Liability for links

We also accept no liability for links on our website to third-party websites over whose content we have no influence. The respective provider or operator of the pages is responsible for the content of the linked pages. At the time of linking, the links were checked for illegal content on our part; a violation of the law was not apparent to us. A permanent control of the contents of the linked pages is not reasonable. If we have concrete evidence of a violation of the law, we will immediately remove the link in question.


In the creation and maintenance of our website, we have respected the copyrights of others and have used our own and license-free works. Contributions of third parties are marked as such.

The contents on our website are also subject to copyright. The reproduction, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright must be approved by us in writing. Downloads and copies from our website are only permitted for private use.

Facts & Figures

Was Sie schon immer über sole uno wissen wollten

Sole-Innenbecken250m²1,20 - 1,50m
Sole-Aussenbecken 250m²1,20 - 1,40m
Tauchbecken Sauna6m²1,40m
Feuerbad 16m²1,20m

Temperatur Luftfeuchtigkeit

Bio-Sauna 50°C 50%
Dampfbad 45°C 100%
finnische Sauna 85-90°C bis 80%
Erdsauna 110-120°C 10%-15%
Feuersauna 90-100°C 10%-20%
russische Banja 70-80°C 30%
Caldarium 30°C 16 Liegen,12 Fusswärmebecken